M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

Class Transform

  extended byjavax.microedition.m3g.Transform

public class Transform
extends java.lang.Object

A generic 4x4 floating point matrix, representing a transformation. By default, all methods dealing with Transform objects operate on arbitrary 4x4 matrices. Any exceptions to this rule are documented explicitly at the method level.

Even though arbitrary 4x4 matrices are generally allowed, using non-invertible (singular) matrices may produce undefined results or an arithmetic exception in some situations. Specifically, if the modelview matrix of an object is non-invertible, the results of normal vector transformation and fogging are undefined for that object.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new Transform object and initializes it to the 4x4 identity matrix.
Transform(Transform transform)
          Constructs a new Transform object and initializes it by copying in the contents of the given Transform.
Method Summary
 void get(float[] matrix)
          Retrieves the contents of this transformation as a 16-element float array.
 void invert()
          Inverts this matrix, if possible.
 void postMultiply(Transform transform)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given transformation.
 void postRotate(float angle, float ax, float ay, float az)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given rotation matrix, specified in axis-angle form.
 void postRotateQuat(float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given rotation matrix, specified in quaternion form.
 void postScale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given scale matrix.
 void postTranslate(float tx, float ty, float tz)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given translation matrix.
 void set(float[] matrix)
          Sets this transformation by copying from the given 16-element float array.
 void set(Transform transform)
          Sets this transformation by copying the contents of the given Transform.
 void setIdentity()
          Replaces this transformation with the 4x4 identity matrix.
 void transform(float[] vectors)
          Multiplies the given array of 4D vectors with this matrix.
 void transform(VertexArray in, float[] out, boolean W)
          Multiplies the elements of the given VertexArray with this matrix, storing the transformed values in a float array.
 void transpose()
          Transposes this matrix.

Constructor Detail


public Transform()

Constructs a new Transform object and initializes it to the 4x4 identity matrix.


public Transform(Transform transform)

Constructs a new Transform object and initializes it by copying in the contents of the given Transform.

transform - the Transform object to copy the contents of
java.lang.NullPointerException - if transform is null
Method Detail


public void setIdentity()

Replaces this transformation with the 4x4 identity matrix.


public void set(Transform transform)

Sets this transformation by copying the contents of the given Transform. The pre-existing contents of this transformation are discarded.

transform - the new transformation
java.lang.NullPointerException - if transform is null


public void set(float[] matrix)

Sets this transformation by copying from the given 16-element float array. The pre-existing contents of this transformation are discarded. The elements in the source array are organized in row-major order:

In other words, the second element of the source array is copied to the second element of the first row in the matrix, and so on.

matrix - the new transformation matrix as a flat float array
java.lang.NullPointerException - if matrix is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if matrix.length < 16


public void get(float[] matrix)

Retrieves the contents of this transformation as a 16-element float array. The matrix elements are copied to the array in row-major order, that is, in the same order as in the set(float[]) method.

matrix - a flat float array to populate with the matrix contents
java.lang.NullPointerException - if matrix is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if matrix.length < 16


public void invert()

Inverts this matrix, if possible. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result.

java.lang.ArithmeticException - if this transformation is not invertible


public void transpose()

Transposes this matrix. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result.


public void postMultiply(Transform transform)

Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given transformation. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result. Denoting this transformation by M and the given transformation by T, the new value for this transformation is computed as follows:

transform - the right-hand-side matrix multiplicant
java.lang.NullPointerException - if transform is null


public void postScale(float sx,
                      float sy,
                      float sz)

Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given scale matrix. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result. Denoting this transformation by M and the scale matrix by S, the new value for this transformation is computed as follows:

The scaling factors may be non-uniform, and negative scale factors (mirroring transforms) are also allowed. The scale matrix S is constructed from the given scale factors (sx sy sz) follows:

sx - scaling factor along the X axis
sy - scaling factor along the Y axis
sz - scaling factor along the Z axis


public void postRotate(float angle,
                       float ax,
                       float ay,
                       float az)

Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given rotation matrix, specified in axis-angle form. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result. Denoting this transformation by M and the rotation matrix by R, the new value for this transformation is computed as follows:

The rotation is specified such that looking along the positive rotation axis, the rotation is angle degrees clockwise (or, equivalently, looking on the opposite direction of the rotation axis, the rotation is angle degrees counterclockwise).

The rotation matrix R is constructed from the given angle and axis (x y z) as follows:

where c = cos(angle) and s = sin(angle). If the axis (x y z) is not unit-length, it will be normalized automatically before constructing the matrix.

angle - angle of rotation about the axis, in degrees
ax - X component of the rotation axis
ay - Y component of the rotation axis
az - Z component of the rotation axis
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the rotation axis (ax ay az) is zero and angle is nonzero


public void postRotateQuat(float qx,
                           float qy,
                           float qz,
                           float qw)

Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given rotation matrix, specified in quaternion form. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result. Denoting this transformation by M and the rotation matrix by R, the new value for this transformation is computed as follows:

The rotation matrix R is constructed from the given quaternion (x y z w) as follows:

The input quaternion is normalized to a 4-dimensional unit vector prior to constructing the rotation matrix. A quaternion with a vector part of all zeros is therefore normalized to (0 0 0 1), which represents a rotation by 2*pi, that is, no rotation at all. The only illegal input condition occurs when all components of the quaternion are zero.

qx - X component of the quaternion's vector part
qy - Y component of the quaternion's vector part
qz - Z component of the quaternion's vector part
qw - scalar component of the quaternion
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if all quaternion components are zero


public void postTranslate(float tx,
                          float ty,
                          float tz)

Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given translation matrix. The contents of this transformation are replaced with the result. Denoting this transformation by M and the translation matrix by T, the new value for this transformation is computed as follows:

The translation matrix T is constructed from the given translation vector (tx ty tz) as follows:

tx - X component of the translation vector
ty - Y component of the translation vector
tz - Z component of the translation vector


public void transform(VertexArray in,
                      float[] out,
                      boolean W)

Multiplies the elements of the given VertexArray with this matrix, storing the transformed values in a float array.

The input VertexArray may have any number of elements (E), two or three components per element (C), and any component size (8 or 16 bit). The float array is filled in with E elements, each having four components. The multiplication is always done with a full 4x4 matrix and all four components of the result are returned.

The implied value of the missing fourth component (W) of each input element depends on the boolean parameter. If the parameter is set to true, the W components of all vectors are set to 1.0 prior to multiplication. If the parameter is false, the W components are set to 0.0. If the elements of the input array have only two components, the missing third component is always set to zero.

This method does not take into account the scale and bias that may be associated with vertex positions and texture coordinates. (This is simply because the scale and bias values are defined in VertexBuffer, not VertexArray.) If the application wishes to use this method for transforming the vertex positions in a specific VertexBuffer, for example, the scale and bias can be applied to this Transform directly. See the code fragment below for how to do that.

Note that this is a simple matrix-by-vector multiplication; no division by W or other operations are implied. The interpretation of the input and output values is up to each application.

in - a VertexArray of 2D or 3D vectors to multiply with this matrix
out - a 4D float array to populate with the transformed vectors
W - true to set the W component of each input vector implicitly to 1.0; false to set them to 0.0
java.lang.NullPointerException - if in is null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if out is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if in.numComponents == 4
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if out.length < 4*E, where E is the number of elements in the input VertexArray
A method for transforming a vertex coordinate array.
void transformPoints(Transform t, VertexBuffer vb, float[] out)
     // Make a copy of the given Transform so that we can restore
     // its original contents at the end.
     Transform tmp = new Transform(t);
     // Retrieve the vertex coordinate array and its associated
     // scale and bias. In real applications, the float array
     // and the temporary Transform object should both be class
     // variables to avoid garbage collection.
     float[] scaleBias = new float[4];
     VertexArray points = vb.getPositions(scaleBias);
     // Note the order of constructing the transformation matrix.
     // The coordinates must be scaled first, then biased:
     //   v' = T S v
     t.postTranslate(scaleBias[1], scaleBias[2], scaleBias[3]);
     t.postScale(scaleBias[0], scaleBias[0], scaleBias[0]);
     t.transform(points, out, true);
     // Restore the original Transform.


public void transform(float[] vectors)

Multiplies the given array of 4D vectors with this matrix. The transformation is done in place, that is, the original vectors are overwritten with the transformed vectors.

The vectors are given as a flat array of (x y z w) quadruplets. The length of the array divided by 4 gives the number of vectors to transform.

Note that this is a simple matrix-by-vector multiplication; no division by W or other operations are implied. The interpretation of the input and output values is up to each application.

vectors - the vectors to transform, in (xyzw xyzw xyzw ...) order
java.lang.NullPointerException - if vectors is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if vectors.length % 4 != 0

M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

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