Uses of Class

Packages that use Landmark
javax.microedition.location Contains the basic classes needed to request and get a location result. Contains the classes and interfaces related to location based services. 

Uses of Landmark in javax.microedition.location

Methods in javax.microedition.location that return Landmark
 Landmark LandmarkStore.getLandmark(int identifier, java.lang.String author)
          Returns the Landmark object for the given identifier and author combination.
 Landmark[] LandmarkStore.getLandmarks(GeographicArea areaFilter, AddressInfo addrFilter, java.lang.String nameFilter, java.lang.String descFilter, java.lang.String authorFilter, java.lang.String catFilter, Coordinates distFrom, int maxResults, int sortOrder, int sortBy)
          With this method an application can search landmarks in the store using filters.

Methods in javax.microedition.location with parameters of type Landmark
 void LandmarkStore.addLandmark(Landmark landmark, java.lang.String category)
          Adds a landmark to the specified category in the landmark store.
 void LandmarkStore.deleteLandmark(Landmark landmark)
          Deletes a landmark from this LandmarkStore.
 void ExchangeFormatHandler.exportLandmarks(Landmark[] landmarks, java.lang.String additionalCategory, output)
          Exports selected landmarks into the specified output stream.
 java.util.Enumeration LandmarkStore.getCategoriesOfLandmark(Landmark landmark)
          Returns the landmark categories for the specified landmark.
 void LandmarkStore.removeLandmarkFromAllCategories(Landmark landmark)
          Removes the named landmark from all the categories it is associated to.
 void LandmarkStore.removeLandmarkFromCategory(Landmark landmark, java.lang.String category)
          Removes the named landmark from the specified category.
 void LandmarkStore.updateLandmark(Landmark landmark)
          Updates the information about a landmark.

Uses of Landmark in

Methods in that return Landmark
 Landmark[] GeocodingServiceProvider.geocode(AddressInfo address, GeographicArea locationHint, GeocodingServicePreferences preferences)
          Requests a geocoding service from a geocoding service provider.
 Landmark[] GeocodingServiceProvider.geocode(java.lang.String criterion, GeographicArea locationHint, GeocodingServicePreferences preferences)
          Requests a geocoding service from a geocoding service provider.
 Landmark[] GeocodingServiceProvider.reverseGeocode(Coordinates coordinates, GeocodingServicePreferences preferences)
          Requests a reverse geocoding service from a geocoding service provider.

Methods in with parameters of type Landmark
 void MapServiceProvider.displayMap(RectangleGeographicArea initialViewport, GeographicArea[] areas, Landmark[] landmarks, Coordinates[] coordinates, Route[] routes, MapServicePreferences preferences, MapServiceListener listener)
          Requests a map service provider to display a map.
 Map MapServiceProvider.getMap(RectangleGeographicArea initialViewport, GeographicArea[] areas, Landmark[] landmarks, Coordinates[] coordinates, Route[] routes, int width, int height, MapServiceListener listener)
          Requests a Map object from a map service provider.
 void MapServiceListener.selectionUpdated(MapServiceProvider provider, GeographicArea[] areas, Landmark[] landmarks, Coordinates[] coordinates, Route[] routes)
          Called by the map service provider when an application has requested a selection or multiple selections from the map from the user.

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