作者:潇潇 出处:www.j2mefans.com
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import java.io.IOException;
* MIDlet派生类
public class SpriteTest extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, Runnable
private static int NUM_FRAME_WIDTH = 10;
private static int NUM_FRAME_HEIGHT = 15;
private MyCanvas myCanvas; //屏幕绘制类
private Command quit;
private Image[] numFrames; //存储图像数组
private boolean running;
private int currentFrame; //纪录图像当前播放的帧
* 自定义的画布类,涌来绘制图像.
class MyCanvas extends Canvas
* 绘制屏幕当前帧.
protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
graphics.drawImage(numFrames[currentFrame], getWidth() / 2,
getHeight() / 2,
Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER);
* 从number.png大图中提取每一个数字,并按照顺序一一播放到屏幕上.
public SpriteTest()
// 载入大图并提取每一个数字
Image numImage = Image.createImage("/number.png");
numFrames = extractFrames(numImage, 0,
0, 10, 2, NUM_FRAME_WIDTH,
catch (IOException ioe)
System.out.println("unable to load image");
// Construct a the canvas
myCanvas = new MyCanvas();
// And a way to quit
quit = new Command("Quit", Command.EXIT, 2);
// create the thread that will carry out the animation.
running = true;
Thread t = new Thread(this);
* http://www.j2mefans.com/blog/trackback.asp?tbID=87
* Extracts a portion of an image using clipping.
* @param source The source image.
* @param x The starting x position of the clipping rectangle.
* @param y The starting y position of the clipping rectangle.
* @param width The width of the clipping rectangle.
* @param height The height of the clipping rectangle.
* @return A new Image object containing only the portion of the image
* withing the x, y, width, height rectangle.
public final static Image getImageRegion(Image source, int x, int y, int width, int height)
// create a placeholder for our resulting image region
Image result = Image.createImage(width, height);
if (x + width > source.getWidth() || y + height > source.getHeight())
System.out.println("Warning: attempting extract using (" +
x + "," + y + "," + width + "," + height + ") when image is " +
"(" + source.getWidth() + "," + source.getHeight() + ")");
// draw the image, offset by the region starting position
result.getGraphics().drawImage(source, -x, -y, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
return result;
* http://www.j2mefans.com/blog/trackback.asp?tbID=87
* Gets an array of images by breaking a larger image into smaller frames.
* @param sourceImage The image to extract the frames from.
* @param sourceX The starting x position in the source image to use.
* @param sourceY The starting y position in the source image to use.
* @param framesWide The number of frames across the source image to extract.
* @param framesHigh The number of frames down the source image to extract.
* @param frameWidth The width of each of those frames.
* @param frameHeight The height of each of those frames.
* @return An array containing an image for each frame.
public final static Image[] extractFrames(Image sourceImage, int sourceX,
int sourceY,
int framesWide, int framesHigh,
int frameWidth, int frameHeight)
// extract all the frames from the source image
Image[] frames = new Image[framesWide*framesHigh];
int frameCount = 0;
for (int fy = 0; fy < framesHigh; fy++)
for (int fx = 0; fx < framesWide; fx++)
frames[frameCount++] =
getImageRegion(sourceImage, sourceX + (fx * frameWidth),
sourceY + (fy * frameHeight),
frameWidth, frameHeight);
return frames;
public void run()
while (running)
// 更新图像的当前帧
if (currentFrame > 19)
currentFrame = 0;
// 请求画布重新绘制.
// Hang around a bit.
catch (InterruptedException e)
* Handles Application Manager notification the MIDlet is starting (or
* resuning from a pause). In this case we set the canvas as the current
* display screen.
* @throws MIDletStateChangeException
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException
* Handles Application Manager notification the MIDlet is about to be paused.
* We don’t bother doing anything for this case.
protected void pauseApp()
* Handles Application Manager notification the MIDlet is about to be
* destroyed. We don’t bother doing anything for this case.
protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
throws MIDletStateChangeException
* The CommandListener interface method called when the user executes
* a Command, in this case it can only be the quit command we created in the
* consutructor and added to the Canvas.
* @param command The command that was executed.
* @param displayable The displayable that command was embedded within.
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable)
if (command == quit)
running = false;
catch (MIDletStateChangeException me)
System.out.println(me + " caught.");